Adventure on the Myra Canyon Trestles, Kelowna

Adventure on the Myra Canyon Trestles, Kelowna

Confessions of a Flat-Land Cyclist I am the type of cyclist who, if I look over my left shoulder to check if there are any cars coming, is likely to head straight into the ditch on the right.  So riding on a relatively narrow trail that has a severe drop on one...
Adventure In Baduy Land, Java

Adventure In Baduy Land, Java

A Hike into Baduy Land and a Shower with the Chickens I was living in Jakarta, an intriguing city of about 15 million people in Indonesia.  First impressions were of a city in chaos, hopeless gridlock, soaring toll roads, piercing skyscrapers erected next to swampy...
Seeking Leopards on Safaris in Kenya

Seeking Leopards on Safaris in Kenya

Tips and Tricks for Spotting Leopards in the Wild in Kenya Chui, that’s what leopards are called in Swahili.  A dear friend of mine was so enamored by them that he even named his Dalmatian dog Chui.  Apart from the spots, there was no resemblance…  This...

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