Discovering the Via Francigena, Italy

Discovering the Via Francigena, Italy

It is the summer of 8 years ago. I am almost 42 and my young beautiful daughter is 12. August can be a scorching month in Tuscany, and the 2012 summer had been one of the hottest in the last 100 years. It is middle August, we are having dinner with some friends, and...
Tackling the Jumbo Circuit, North Island

Tackling the Jumbo Circuit, North Island

Into the Tararua Mountains New Zealand’s department of conservation is caretaker of over 950 huts located across both islands. These huts enable your average hiker to get further into mountains and experience overnight adventures that they may otherwise not. For a...
Into the Mountains of Kyrgyzstan

Into the Mountains of Kyrgyzstan

I have always enjoyed travelling to less well-known destinations and this adventure was no exception. Amongst my fellow travelers, there was a collective appreciation for telling people we were headed to Kyrgyzstan, and then to explain where this country actually is....
Adventure on the Myra Canyon Trestles, Kelowna

Adventure on the Myra Canyon Trestles, Kelowna

Confessions of a Flat-Land Cyclist I am the type of cyclist who, if I look over my left shoulder to check if there are any cars coming, is likely to head straight into the ditch on the right.  So riding on a relatively narrow trail that has a severe drop on one...

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